About Scott

Scott’s approach comes from his own experiences in leadership. He doesn’t just claim to understand…he’s been there, too.

headshot of Scott Alexander sitting on stairs

While many people claim to be experts in the field of executive and leadership coaching, Scott proves it with a no-nonsense, no-holds-barred approach to creating the positive changes people need to not just survive in their business, but to thrive.

Scott Alexander, author, speaker, leadership consultant, and executive leadership coach, brings 15 years of experience in the field to his clients, having worked with over 38 businesses across a wide spectrum of industries. He’s worked with 38 businesses of all sizes, from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies, spending an average of 3 to 5 years with each.

These companies trust Scott to guide them down the path of success… You should, too.

Alizee Pathology logo

Alizée Pathology

Woodsboro Bank logo

Woodsboro Bank

HR Answerbox logo

HR Answerbox

ArachnidWorks logo

ArachnidWorks, Inc.

Frederick County Chamber of Commerce

salesforce logo


BUgs, Dirt, and Mommy logo

Bugs, Dirt, & Mommy

Triple Crown Construction logo

Triple Crown Construction

congressional bank logo

Congressional Bank

Lumber Jakkss logo


While many people claim to be experts in the field of executive and leadership coaching, Scott proves it with a no-nonsense, no-holds-barred approach to creating the positive changes people need to not just survive in their business, but to thrive. His approach comes from his own experiences in leadership. He doesn’t just claim to understand…he’s been there, too.

Scott’s own experience as both a business leader and a Master Martial Artist and instructor led him to develop his one-of-a-kind Black Belt Principles, which challenges people to be driven by principles to create success. At the heart of his coaching style is his belief that no two people or businesses are the same. He takes the time to listen to clients and comes up with a customized approach for each one. He understands that some people’s characteristics can’t be changed, so he focuses on what CAN be changed in highly customized sessions.

A session with Scott is never boring; he puts the “fun” in the fundamentals of executive leadership coaching, leadership consulting, and speaking engagements. His results are life-changing, and while the journey to find those positive changes may be challenging, you’ll enjoy the journey and learn things about yourself you never knew along the way.